
Flake VS Chip Industrial Ice Machines

Flake VS Chip Industrial Ice Machines

Flake VS Chip Industrial Ice Machines

Wednesday 29 November 2023

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Flake and chip ice machines are the two most popular types of industrial ice machines, used globally. Both types of machines produce high-quality ice, but the ice they produce has a number of different characteristics and applications, making it suitable for different industries.


Flake Ice Machines

Flake ice machines produce ice in the form of flat flakes. The flakes are typically about 1-2mm thick and 10-20mm in diameter, sub-cooled at -7°C and dry to the touch. Industrial flake ice machines are typically used in sectors that include meat and poultry processing, bakeries and fruit and vegetable hydro-cooling.


Flake ice is ideal for applications where rapid cooling is required throughout product processing, storage and/or transportation, due to its exceptional cooling properties.


Chip Ice Machines

Chip ice machines produce ice in the form of small chips. The chips are typically about 5-10mm thick and 10-20mm in diameter. Industrial chip ice machines are typically used for fresh fruit and vegetables, fish and shellfish.


Chip ice is slow melting, releasing its energy slowly, making it ideal for applications where a slow, even melt is required. Due to its clear, crystal-like appearance, chip ice is a popular choice for consumer displays.


At Ice Systems, we stock a wide range of both flake and chip ice machines for industrial use, offering 600-5,000kg of ice per 24 hours of running time. 


For further information regarding our industrial ice machines, get in touch with our team.